Thanks for visiting Bellasoriginals. These Terms and Conditions form the basis of the use of Bellasoriginals store, inclusive of all content, all features, and all services available on the website.

By this action, you have read the content of these Terms and our Privacy Policy, and agreed to accept the provisions set forth therein. If you do not agree with any part of these Terms or our Privacy Policy, please do not use the site. Bellasoriginals offers a variety of technology products, which include earbuds, power banks and smart watches. Be advised that changes in product descriptions and prices may be made without prior notice.

We strive to depict accurate and current information, but we are unable to ensure that the product descriptions or the photographs are accurate. If you place an order, you shall be accountable for any costs incurred on your account and you agree to provide complete and accurate details for each transaction.

We accept a number of payment methods and the payment is processed against local gateways such as Easypaisa, Jazz Cash, and bank deposits in all cases.